Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Hearts Day......

Well........ I have to brag on my hubby just a little......he surprised me..

He left me a card and Reese's cups in my vehicle... AND if I hadn't left work early, it would have been ON Valentine's Day when I got it... :) :) :)
Gotta luv that man.....!!!!!! (and I Do... :)

I have to admit... it MADE my day...probably because it was TOTALLY unexpected.. we are hard up for money these days..(as I have mentioned on numerous occasions).. and he isn't exactly Mr. "Rememberful"... but the gentle jibbing at life-group the other night might have had something to do with it.. who knows.. but for once I'm not analyzing the "why".. just enjoying the "is"....

I stopped on my way home and spent a little myself, on him, and the kids.. after the "tenseness" around here lately I figured they could all use some "LOVE"......

Hope fully in the morning I'll have some "Heart-Happy Campers"...even if only for that one moment......

Do you sense a change here?????.......I can only assume you all have been praying..(I know I have) because although I have had my "Thar she blow " ..moments lately.. they are somewhat less intense and I can usually bring myself back to "sanity" a little quicker ...

I take NO.. I repeat NO credit.. for this... I know myself.. it is only God that can bring these changes..He definitely met me where I was.. and for all I know may still be.. I am just attempting to look at things a little differently.. more through HIS eyes, less through mine. 

I keep thinking about a movie clip from a movie way back in the late 80's or VERY early 90's.. called "Parenthood".. w/ Steve Martin.. and hence ... while parts of the movie are definitely NOT on my highly rated list, there is one part that has stuck with me over the years...there is a grandmother in the movie.. she is quite senile.. however at one part she compares life to a carnival ride.. and while some people prefer the merry-go-round, she liked the roller coaster.. (or some other ride that is more "adrenaline pumping").. the merry-go-round she said "...just goes round and round.. that is no fun.. I like the roller coaster.. it bumps you around.. and goes in, and out, up and down...." or something to that effect... in any case, I always think of the scene where this hits home with Steve Martin's character.. they are at one of their children's school plays or something and their youngest gets a little "antsy".. and creates some mischief... you hear the clanking sound of the Roller coaster .. the sound it makes going up that first BIG hill.. as you watch Him (Steve Martin) getting tense watching all the chaos around him.. then you hear the screaming and the sound of the roller coaster descending down the hill... 

I want to BE that grandmother.. who ENJOYS the chaos of life.. sure it isn't fun, it isn't always pretty, or perfect, or even bear much of a resemblance to the picture we all paint ourselves when we paint the picture of our life... but it is REAL....and it makes the best of each situation.. and moves on...learning every step...

God allows those hills and turns to throw us just a little of balance.. that is where we lean more on Him and less on us.. that is the "perfect balance"...

As Paul said to the Corinthians.. 

Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 10 That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
                                                  2 Corinthians 12:9-10 here is too the "Happy Surprises"....that show off my weaknesses, like today.. when my hubby reminded me that he is still here.. and that he loves me.. even though it may not be the way I THINK it should be...I'm not perfect either....go figure.... 

................Happy Valentine's Day............

Sunday, February 6, 2011

...the bottom..looking up...

... I have deliberately NOT blogged for the last week or so because I have been in the "pit of despair".... I have been loathing myself and everything around me...

I felt that I had nothing good to say.. or rather anything worth reading except to rant and rave about how "horrible" everything is....

I have been under tremendous stress from what seems like every direction... my kids have decided to go all out on a "how can we ruin Mom's life day " routine..the only way they help out is when I NAG them. I feel as though my husband has checked out emotionally... from our family.. (my thoughts, and feelings,... not his..) I had the WORST day at work the other day. I can't get my house even remotely presentable to save my life, because every time I turn around there is another mess I DIDN'T make, but have to clean up. Our finances are so tight that I can't even think about a month from now, and I am ALWAYS tired.... I HATE my LIFE right now.......

This has been my mindset for the last couple months or so it seems, but I never say anything to anyone, because I think people will judge me for thinking these things... about myself, about my kids, about my husband....about my struggles...

But I have changed my mind about sharing... not because I want to slander my kids or my husband , I love them ALL dearly... and I know that .."this too shall pass"... but right now I am in what feels like the fight of my life... for my sanity....

And it won't be a fight I can win alone.. I need help.. if you are a friend or family member .. your prayers are coveted.. if you are a follower.. pray as well.. but the winner is already decided.. and that is MY GOD.. he knows the end from the beginning... and He knows when I'll finally reach the top of this pit.. hopefully NEVER to fall back in again... but for now here I am.. at the bottom.... looking up

So here I am... one night I literally woke up in the middle of the night sobbing.. begging God for answers.. why did he make me such a perfectionist.. why does he allow me to be so constantly unhappy with with everything, why are my expectations always SOOO high.. there is no way anyone can live up to them...why can't I ever finish anything....why, why, why..???

If you have ever been in a pit.. you know the feeling.. if you haven't, Lord willing you won't ever need to find out...but I seem to live in them..... get out of one .. 3 steps later...fall in another.....the difference is.... that this time.. I honestly am not sure I have the strength to climb out......

And this is when the voice in my head..(no not literally....well maybe) says .."You were never alone.. what exactly is it that you want....?????

Truthfully, I want kids that respect their parents and others, and don't argue and fight about everything, I want a husband who cherishes me, more than his job, and I want a house that I can have friends over too.. without clutter as far as the eye can see because my kids can't pick up ANYTHING without my nagging them, and the financial freedom to enjoy little things now and then, without worrying if I'll be able to pay the bills if I spend the money on this instead.....

Just typing this is making me cranky....

So where do I go from here..........the only direction I can (at least I hope)......... UP!!!!!

"For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD.. plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope!"
                                                               -Jeremiah 29:11